Schluter®-KERDI-BOARD-V vertically grooved building panels were used to create the three-tiered, waterfall bench. The curved edges of the three-tiered benches accommodate elegant mosaic tile while providing a comfortable seat. Schluter®- KERDI-DS bonded waterproofing membrane and vapor retarder was applied floor-to-ceiling.
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The Schluter®-KERDI-LINE linear drain in the Square design was discretely installed under the toe kick overhang.
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Schluter®-KERDI-BOARD-V vertically grooved building panels were used to create the three-tiered, waterfall bench. The curved edges of the three-tiered benches accommodate elegant mosaic tile while providing a comfortable seat. Schluter®- KERDI-DS bonded waterproofing membrane and vapor retarder was applied floor-to-ceiling.
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Schluter®-KERDI-BOARD-V vertically grooved building panels were used to create the three-tiered, waterfall bench. The curved edges of the three-tiered benches accommodate elegant mosaic tile while providing a comfortable seat. Schluter®- KERDI-DS bonded waterproofing membrane and vapor retarder was applied floor-to-ceiling.
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Schluter®-KERDI-BOARD-V vertically grooved building panels were used to create the three-tiered, waterfall bench. The curved edges of the three-tiered benches accommodate elegant mosaic tile while providing a comfortable seat. Schluter®- KERDI-DS bonded waterproofing membrane and vapor retarder was applied floor-to-ceiling.
The Schluter®-KERDI-LINE linear drain in the Square design was discretely installed under the toe kick overhang.
Schluter®-KERDI-BOARD-V vertically grooved building panels were used to create the three-tiered, waterfall bench. The curved edges of the three-tiered benches accommodate elegant mosaic tile while providing a comfortable seat. Schluter®- KERDI-DS bonded waterproofing membrane and vapor retarder was applied floor-to-ceiling.
Schluter®-KERDI-BOARD-V vertically grooved building panels were used to create the three-tiered, waterfall bench. The curved edges of the three-tiered benches accommodate elegant mosaic tile while providing a comfortable seat. Schluter®- KERDI-DS bonded waterproofing membrane and vapor retarder was applied floor-to-ceiling.