The reception area features the BEKOTEC modular screed system with hydronic heating under the tile. Cove-shaped profile, DILEX-AHK in pewter is used in the floor-to-wall transitions. DECO in stainless steel is used in the floor to accommodate the transition in tile colors.
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QUADEC in anodized aluminum is used to frame the reception desk. QUADEC and DILEX-AHK in pewter are used at the base of the walls. The BEKOTEC modular screed system lies under the floor tile assembly.
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QUADEC in anodized aluminum is used to frame the reception desk. QUADEC and DILEX-AHK in pewter are used at the base of the walls. The BEKOTEC modular screed system lies under the floor tile assembly.
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Behind the living wall lies KERDI-BOARD in 1/2-inch thickness, sealed with KERDI-BAND for waterproofing. KERDI-DRAIN and KERDI waterproofing membrane are used in the water retention basin.
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QUADEC in anodized aluminum is used to frame the reception desk. QUADEC and DILEX-AHK in pewter are used at the base of the walls. The BEKOTEC modular screed system lies under the floor tile assembly.
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Welcome to Reno! The Schluter Reno Logistics Centre is certified LEED Gold featuring a multitude of ecologically efficient elements. And of course, the facility is decked out on all things tile… and Schluter!
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The reception area features the BEKOTEC modular screed system with hydronic heating under the tile. Cove-shaped profile, DILEX-AHK in pewter is used in the floor-to-wall transitions. DECO in stainless steel is used in the floor to accommodate the transition in tile colors.
QUADEC in anodized aluminum is used to frame the reception desk. QUADEC and DILEX-AHK in pewter are used at the base of the walls. The BEKOTEC modular screed system lies under the floor tile assembly.
QUADEC in anodized aluminum is used to frame the reception desk. QUADEC and DILEX-AHK in pewter are used at the base of the walls. The BEKOTEC modular screed system lies under the floor tile assembly.
Behind the living wall lies KERDI-BOARD in 1/2-inch thickness, sealed with KERDI-BAND for waterproofing. KERDI-DRAIN and KERDI waterproofing membrane are used in the water retention basin.
QUADEC in anodized aluminum is used to frame the reception desk. QUADEC and DILEX-AHK in pewter are used at the base of the walls. The BEKOTEC modular screed system lies under the floor tile assembly.
Welcome to Reno! The Schluter Reno Logistics Centre is certified LEED Gold featuring a multitude of ecologically efficient elements. And of course, the facility is decked out on all things tile… and Schluter!