The walls of this charming bathroom were built using KERDI-BOARD building panels. The tiled shower floor is protected with KERDI waterproofing membrane. All seams are sealed with KERDI-BAND.
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The tiled walls were constructed using KERDI-BOARD building panels.The seams of the niche have been sealed with KERDI-BAND.
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The tiled walls were constructed using KERDI-BOARD building panels.The seams of the niche, as well as the faucet controls, have been sealed with KERDI-BAND.
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Look up, way up! The celing of this luxurious shower features KERDI waterproofing membrane beneath the tile. The shower walls were constructed using KERDI-BOARD--a multifunctional and waterproof tile substrate.
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KERDI waterproofing membrane protects the tile from moisture and mold.
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KERDI-DRAIN in a stainless steel finish adorns the cream-colored tile on the shower floor.
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The walls of this charming bathroom were built using KERDI-BOARD building panels. The tiled shower floor features a KERDI-DRAIN in stainless steel, and is protected with KERDI waterproofing membrane. All seams were sealed with KERDI-BAND.
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The walls of this charming bathroom were built using KERDI-BOARD building panels. The tiled shower floor is protected with KERDI waterproofing membrane. All seams are sealed with KERDI-BAND.
The tiled walls were constructed using KERDI-BOARD building panels.The seams of the niche have been sealed with KERDI-BAND.
The tiled walls were constructed using KERDI-BOARD building panels.The seams of the niche, as well as the faucet controls, have been sealed with KERDI-BAND.
Look up, way up! The celing of this luxurious shower features KERDI waterproofing membrane beneath the tile. The shower walls were constructed using KERDI-BOARD--a multifunctional and waterproof tile substrate.
KERDI waterproofing membrane protects the tile from moisture and mold.
KERDI-DRAIN in a stainless steel finish adorns the cream-colored tile on the shower floor.
The walls of this charming bathroom were built using KERDI-BOARD building panels. The tiled shower floor features a KERDI-DRAIN in stainless steel, and is protected with KERDI waterproofing membrane. All seams were sealed with KERDI-BAND.