JOLLY straight-edge profile applied to the tile edges of the bathtub platform.
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Light beige profiles create a subtle finish by blending with the neutral tiles in this contemporary bathroom. JOLLY straight-edge profile applied to the tile edges of the bathtub platform and tile base. KERDI-BOARD is used to create this customized tub deck. DITRA is ideal for providing uncoupling and waterproofing under the tile floor.
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JOLLY straight-edge profile applied to the tile edges of the bathtub platform and tile base.
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JOLLY straight-edge profile applied to the tile edges of the bathtub platform.
Light beige profiles create a subtle finish by blending with the neutral tiles in this contemporary bathroom. JOLLY straight-edge profile applied to the tile edges of the bathtub platform and tile base. KERDI-BOARD is used to create this customized tub deck. DITRA is ideal for providing uncoupling and waterproofing under the tile floor.
JOLLY straight-edge profile applied to the tile edges of the bathtub platform and tile base.