The KERDI-LINE linear drain with TILE grate is practically invisible in this curbless bathroom.
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Curbless bathroom featuring the KERDI-LINE linear drain with TILE grate. This grate incorporates the same tile used throughout the rest of the bathroom and shower floor making it a discreet drainage choice. The walls of this shower are waterproofed using KERDI, and connect to DITRA on the floor to create a waterproof room, from head to toe.
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Curbless bathroom featuring the KERDI-LINE linear drain with the TILE grate. This grate incorporates the same tile used throughout the rest of the bathroom and shower floor making it a discreet drainage choice. Multiple shower controls means multiple sealing with KERDI-SEAL-PS/-MV and KERDI-FIX.
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The KERDI-LINE linear drain with TILE grate is practically invisible in this curbless bathroom.
Curbless bathroom featuring the KERDI-LINE linear drain with TILE grate. This grate incorporates the same tile used throughout the rest of the bathroom and shower floor making it a discreet drainage choice. The walls of this shower are waterproofed using KERDI, and connect to DITRA on the floor to create a waterproof room, from head to toe.
Curbless bathroom featuring the KERDI-LINE linear drain with the TILE grate. This grate incorporates the same tile used throughout the rest of the bathroom and shower floor making it a discreet drainage choice. Multiple shower controls means multiple sealing with KERDI-SEAL-PS/-MV and KERDI-FIX.