DITRA-HEAT-DUO-PS and DITRA-HEAT-DUO feature the same plastic material and configuration. If seams, corners, and connections to other waterproofing components are carefully sealed, DITRA-HEAT-DUO-PS * will provide waterproofing for the substrate.
* DITRA-HEAT-DUO-PS is not a certified waterproofing membrane that exceeds the requirements of ANSI A118.10 - American National Standard Specifications for Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membranes for Thin-set Ceramic Tile and Dimension Stone Installation. If a waterproofing membrane that is certified to ANSI A118.10 is required, you must use DITRA-HEAT-DUO bonded to the substrate with an appropriate cementitious thin-set mortar.