Shower walls and curbs completely disappear in this modern bathroom, and are replaced with a sloped waterproofed floor descending to the nearly invisible KERDI-LINE linear drain with the TILE grate covering.
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A lack of shower walls didn't mean a lack of storage in this tiled bathroom! This shower niche is waterproofed along with the entire wall with the KERDI membrane.
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The KERDI-LINE linear drain with the TILE grate blends so effortlessly into this room, it's hard to see it at all.
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Shower walls and curbs completely disappear in this modern bathroom, and are replaced with a sloped waterproofed floor descending to the nearly invisible KERDI-LINE linear drain with the TILE grate covering.
A lack of shower walls didn't mean a lack of storage in this tiled bathroom! This shower niche is waterproofed along with the entire wall with the KERDI membrane.
The KERDI-LINE linear drain with the TILE grate blends so effortlessly into this room, it's hard to see it at all.