Clean and crisp with a fresh start, this shower update utilized KERDI-BOARD building panels to create a custom design and waterproof shower.
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An intermixture of river stone acts as the smooth and natural frame for KERDI-DRAIN in this Schluter-Shower-System. The KERDI-BOARD-SC prefabricated and waterproofed shower curb supports the custom glass door.
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A stable and self-supporting KERDI-BOARD partition wall lends itself to dividing the bath and shower areas without reducing the showers transparent appeal.
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The complimenting river stone mosaic was placed on the KERDI-BOARD-SN niche making the area fully waterproof, vapor tight and ready to store your shower essentials.
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Smooth on the feet and easy on the eyes, the KERDI-DRAIN and KERDI waterproofing are essential to creating a fully bonded and waterproofed shower.
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Natural elements combine to create a contemporary styled shower using the complete Schluter-Shower System.
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Clean and crisp with a fresh start, this shower update utilized KERDI-BOARD building panels to create a custom design and waterproof shower.
An intermixture of river stone acts as the smooth and natural frame for KERDI-DRAIN in this Schluter-Shower-System. The KERDI-BOARD-SC prefabricated and waterproofed shower curb supports the custom glass door.
A stable and self-supporting KERDI-BOARD partition wall lends itself to dividing the bath and shower areas without reducing the showers transparent appeal.
The complimenting river stone mosaic was placed on the KERDI-BOARD-SN niche making the area fully waterproof, vapor tight and ready to store your shower essentials.
Smooth on the feet and easy on the eyes, the KERDI-DRAIN and KERDI waterproofing are essential to creating a fully bonded and waterproofed shower.
Natural elements combine to create a contemporary styled shower using the complete Schluter-Shower System.