The KERDI-LINE linear drain in this shower features the frameless tileable grate, allowing the drain to virtually disappear.
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QUADEC square-shaped profile and corners applied to tile edges of the walls, shower curb, and countertop. DILEX-AHK cove-shaped profile and corners used to create a smooth transition between the walls and floor. DILEX-EKE PVC corner movement joint profile inserted in the shower corners and along the shower floor. The KERDI-LINE linear drain in this shower features the frameless TILE grate, allowing the drain to virtually disappear. Building a shower and partition wall with KERDI-BOARD eliminates steps by providing stable, waterproof backing.
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The KERDI-LINE linear drain in this shower features the frameless TILE grate, allowing the drain to virtually disappear.
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QUADEC square-shaped profile and corners applied to tile edges of the countertop. The countertop itself is built using KERDI-BOARD, and is finished with the same tile used throughout the rest of the bathroom, creating a custom, unified look.
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QUADEC square-shaped profile and corners applied to tile edges of the walls.
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The KERDI-LINE linear drain in this shower features the frameless tileable grate, allowing the drain to virtually disappear.
QUADEC square-shaped profile and corners applied to tile edges of the walls, shower curb, and countertop. DILEX-AHK cove-shaped profile and corners used to create a smooth transition between the walls and floor. DILEX-EKE PVC corner movement joint profile inserted in the shower corners and along the shower floor. The KERDI-LINE linear drain in this shower features the frameless TILE grate, allowing the drain to virtually disappear. Building a shower and partition wall with KERDI-BOARD eliminates steps by providing stable, waterproof backing.
The KERDI-LINE linear drain in this shower features the frameless TILE grate, allowing the drain to virtually disappear.
QUADEC square-shaped profile and corners applied to tile edges of the countertop. The countertop itself is built using KERDI-BOARD, and is finished with the same tile used throughout the rest of the bathroom, creating a custom, unified look.
QUADEC square-shaped profile and corners applied to tile edges of the walls.