DILEX-EHK cove-shaped profile and corners used to create a smooth transition between the shower walls and floor.
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DILEX-EKE PVC corner movement joint profile inserted along the floor.
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QUADEC square-shaped profile and corners applied to tile edges of the walls. QUADEC was also used as a decorative insert in the wall. DILEX-EHK cove-shaped profile and corners used to create a smooth transition between the shower walls and floor. The KERDI-DRAIN and KERDI-SHOWER-T shower tray are used in this barrier-free shower. Integrating KERDI in the shower to DITRA on the floor makes this bathroom completely waterproof, clean, and worry-free.
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QUADEC square-shaped profile and corners applied to the edges of the wall and as a decorative insert.
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SCHIENE straight-edge profile inserted in the floor, creating a smooth transition to the adjacent wood floor.
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DILEX-EHK cove-shaped profile and corners used to create a smooth transition between the shower walls and floor.
DILEX-EKE PVC corner movement joint profile inserted along the floor.
QUADEC square-shaped profile and corners applied to tile edges of the walls. QUADEC was also used as a decorative insert in the wall. DILEX-EHK cove-shaped profile and corners used to create a smooth transition between the shower walls and floor. The KERDI-DRAIN and KERDI-SHOWER-T shower tray are used in this barrier-free shower. Integrating KERDI in the shower to DITRA on the floor makes this bathroom completely waterproof, clean, and worry-free.
QUADEC square-shaped profile and corners applied to the edges of the wall and as a decorative insert.
SCHIENE straight-edge profile inserted in the floor, creating a smooth transition to the adjacent wood floor.