Scott McGillivary and his crew recently helped transform Seamas’ pool bar, on popular TV show ‘Scott’s House Call’. Waterproof substrate KERDI-BOARD was used to build the tiled bar, which is trimmed with RONDEC-STEP to give the space a rustic but modern finish.
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Aluminum RONDEC-STEP profiles coordinate with the fittings, fixtures and appliances perfectly.
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Scott McGillivary and his crew recently helped transform Seamas’ pool bar, on popular TV show ‘Scott’s House Call’. Waterproof substrate KERDI-BOARD was used to build the tiled bar, which is trimmed with RONDEC-STEP to give the space a rustic but modern finish.
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Scott McGillivary and his crew recently helped transform Seamas’ pool bar, on popular TV show ‘Scott’s House Call’. Waterproof substrate KERDI-BOARD was used to build the tiled bar, which is trimmed with RONDEC-STEP to give the space a rustic but modern finish.
Aluminum RONDEC-STEP profiles coordinate with the fittings, fixtures and appliances perfectly.
Scott McGillivary and his crew recently helped transform Seamas’ pool bar, on popular TV show ‘Scott’s House Call’. Waterproof substrate KERDI-BOARD was used to build the tiled bar, which is trimmed with RONDEC-STEP to give the space a rustic but modern finish.